Consuelo Meux

Season for Detox – Day 16

I’m so excited about continuing with this detox. I feel I could be doing a better job. I realized that making these posts helps with the accountability that helps with motivation to keep going. I’ve strayed a bit from the original food choices I had selected to use over the 28 days. This was mostly due to curiosity about a new way of eating raw and some boredom with the set of recipes I had to support this detox.

Season for Detox – Day 15

I’m posting late for day’s 15 and 16 although I wrote my information in a food journal. One thing I probably haven’t emphasized enough is the need to keep a good food journal while you’re on your detox and for weight loss purposes. A food journal is a private and intense way to help you take control of your eating and eating habits. By tracking what you eat and when you eat it, an analysis can be done to determine how your health is developing. These daily posts are a basic example of a food journal type posting.

Season for Detox – Day 14

This is a milestone day – the end of two weeks of detoxing. This is the longest detox I’ve attempted. I realized early this morning that those cold symptoms I was having weren’t really a cold, but detox symptoms. It’s very common to have what seems like a cold or flu when on an extended detox. That’s because the body is shaking off toxins that have been locked into cells for a long period of time.

Season for Detox – Day 13

Wow, almost two weeks. I’m feeling good. Starting to see where I’m losing some fat too which is fabulous and great motivation to keep going. I don’t know if I’ll stop for Thanksgiving next week or just keep going. I absolutely love the first holiday turkey dinner for the year so it will be difficult to miss out on that. Three weeks will be good but I’ll have to start weaning off of the detox before then or I might feel a bit ill from the rich food and turkey. That means I’ll have to make up my mind about this no later than this weekend.

Season for Detox – Day 12

I actually missed posting my detox experience yesterday. Funny how you can almost forget what you ate in a very short period of time. What I do remember is that I decided to go back to the basics of the detox. I think I started using too many spices at once after being off of them for a week. Not that I blew the detox. Everything I ate was good for that; it was just a bit too much at once. For instance, I usually include in each meal onions, garlic and some ginger. All of these are great for the digestive system and for the detox.

Take Care

Does it ever feel like life is almost too much to handle?  At times, everyone feels pressures that they have to deal with in the normal scheme of life.  Some people find simply sitting in traffic can be a huge problem, so what affects each person has to be put into perspective.  So what happens when you get to the point …

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