Consuelo Meux

Season for Detox – Day 24

I’ve been trying to work on a new book on healthy eating these past weeks. It seemed thehat the direction was clear at first then I got myself confused by considering too many great ideas at once. I figured I could write the end all and do all book or just get started with one idea and move from there. Of course, I know better; I know to get the one idea and stick to it in order to get anything done. I’m a certified creativity coach for goodness sake (among so many other certifications) so I know the routine of needing to get focused. My mind goes to information on health and wellness while my heart goes to a detox cookbook type of product. I’m enjoying this detox so much that I want to share this concept with others in the form of a book or ebook. The main thing is to just get started.

Season for Detox – Day 23

Eating wise, it was a light day. I started with my smoothie but used an apply and orange and some blueberries as I was out of bananas. It was very good and let me know that I’ve gotten into a rut drinking the same type of smoothie each morning. I think I’ll do a bit more experimenting in these last few detox days. I also ate a piece of the carrot cake I was able to salvage (cake #2 from yesterday that was supposed to be the raw cake but got baked after all). It wasn’t too bad today and by warming it the flavors really came out. One thing about raw foods is that you actually get to taste the essence of whatever food you are eating.

Season for Detox – Day 22

Okay, confession time. I tried two different carrot cake recipes yesterday. Unfortunately, I made too many changes to the original recipes at once and had some flops. I Know better than to make changes to a recipe prior to doing the original one first. But I wanted to modify a gluten free recipe to also be vegan. Instead of using eggs as a binder, I used applesauce for the eggs. That meant with the lack of gluten and lack of binder, there was nothing to hold the cake together. DUH! Ended up with a gooey mess. I really hated to have to throw that cake out but there was no saving it.

Season for Detox – Day 21

Well, I’m going to try something new for Thanksgiving tomorrow; two different carrot cakes. One gluten free, sugar-free, the other raw carrot cake. This evening I prepared the carrots in the food processor. I’m making raisin syrup by soaking raisins tonight as a sweetener. I’m looking forward to trying the recipes and tasting the cakes. Will let you know how they come out tomorrow. Have an incredibly wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

Season for Detox – Day 20

By the way, another benefit from this experience is a deeper feeling spiritually about life. I’ve always been a spiritually focused person. However, this experience seems different in that I feel more connected to my life purpose and the desire to be honest about what I really want to do at this time in my life. That is HUGE for me. Somehow instead of feeling I have to be all things to all people, I realize that I need first to give my all to my God. I think in many ways, like many others, I feel I’m doing this already but now realize that I’ve tried to hold on and take control of much of my life by myself. This is a refreshing and humbling revelation. Who knew eating clean, fresh, foods could become a spiritual experience? Praise God!

Season of Detox – Day 19

It’s so good to be back on track. This was still a travel day but I was fortunate to be able to get back on track with my detox as well as exercising. It was great to spend an extra night in San Francisco relaxing after a long weekend. Sometimes, traveling can be more tiresome than staying at home for the weekend. Anyway, this morning I had a teleseminar so didn’t really get anything to eat. That was the bad part. I didn’t have fruit so skipped my smoothie. Besides, the kale looked a bit wilted after three days. So meal one wiwas with family at BJ’s Restuarant. Fortunately, I know that they have salads and potatoes. White potatoes are not the best choice for a detox because of their high startch levels but they’re better than nothing.

Season of Detox – Day 18

This was another difficult day for my detox experience. We are attending a special church service here in San Francisco so we’re dealing with long hours being in church services, short breaks and more long hours in services. Breakfast was another smoothie and the raw almonds and raisins (yes I need to change up on that a bit). The first service didn’t get out until after 1:00. By then I was really hungry.