A Political Day

Today is mid-term voting day in America. It’s a day to express your freedom by casting a vote. Voting was always important in our home. My mother marched wtih Martin Luther King, Jr. in Selma, Alabama back in the 60’s when the freedom to vote was not taken for granted. She risked her life to help gain a freedom that deserves full honor.

As I grew up, it was mandatory to show your voting stub in order to get dinner in our home on any voting day. Even the family dog growled at you if you didn’t have your stub (not really, but he probably would have — that’s how serious it was to us).

I remember taking my grandmother to the polls the last time she was able to vote. She could barely walk. But she wouldn’t rest until she got to the polls. I had to help her into the booth and even to press the hole into the ballot. She knew who she wanted to vote for and the issues she wanted to see passed. Then she sat up until late to see the results. I could go on and on about voting stories.

Did you vote today if you are in an area that’s voting?

What are you memories of voting through the years? Write about them so you will get excited about being able to freely go to the polls to vote.

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