Morning was met with a dull headache. Don’t like this feeling. There’s also a feeling of lightness which is actually a good thing. I don’t feel as heavy as I do after sleeping with a big meal on my stomach. I was up a few times last night feeling thirsty. That probably means I need to drink more water during the day.
A detox gets toxins flowing out of the body which means more visits to the bathroom. That’s is a good thing as a detox is just that – getting those toxins flowing out regularly and well.
Tried two new recipes today. I made zuchhini spaghetti with a vegtable marina sauce. I pureed about half of the vegetables to make the sauce which is the technique I do with mhy other marinara sauces. Served this for lunch; very good.
For dinner, I made a fabulous kale and avocado salad with cherry tomotoes and red pepper flakes. It was chewy and satisfying. Even served it to my husband who really loved it. I served the salad with a baked sweet potato with coconut oil and added a pice of chicken for my husband.
It’s nice to find recipes that someone who is not doing the detox enjoys. Even though I don’t have to stay raw on the detox, that’s what I’m doing so far. I’m really enjoying the new tastes and will continue to be as raw as possible on this detox. However, I do enjoy warm foods, particularly soups.
Got some raw almonds and cashews today too. I need to be careful though because these can put on calories. But raw almonds are an alkaline food which helps balance out the acidity most of us suffer with each day. I’m already running out of vegetables; will need to go shopping tomorrow.