Generate Blogging and Article Ideas with Checklists

Checklists are a great way to help you generate ideas for your blog posts or articles when they make you think in creative ways. Using a checklist for writing topics can stimulate your brain to look at ideas from different angles resulting in massive idea generation.

This comes in handy when you need to come up with topics for your blogs or other articles. How many times have you walked away from a writing task because you couldn’t come up with an idea? You hear that ideas are everywhere but learning to generate original ideas are your golden ticket to success.

Here are a series of questions to put on your creativity checklist to develop blog and article topics. Use these questions to analyze ideas then generate a list of topics to keep you writing for a long time.

  • What are common ways others write about this idea?
  • How can I adapt or modify the idea to present it from a different angle?
  • Can I create a compare and contrast list about the topic?
  • What additional topics does this one brings to mind? 
  • How could I put a new twist on this idea? 
  • Can I add another dimension to the writing such as clip art, a diagram, or a table to present data or facts?
  • What could I add to create a new way of thinking about this topic?
  • How could I address a different target reader for this idea?
  • How can I use the perspective of the target market to restructure this idea?
  • Could I present the idea in an altogether different form or format such as a video, PowerPoint, audio, etc.?

Give your brain time to generate ideas as you review your list. Ideas may not come to mind until you are out on a walk, or having a relaxing dinner with a friend, so keep a notebook handy where can jot down the ideas or speak the idea into the noes o your phone.

Before you finish the process, unleash several new thoughts and ideas by asking yourself, “what else?” Create checklists that fit your specific problems or situations, then analyze how effective it is based on how many new ideas it helps you to generate.

Once you have a checklist, use it, evaluate it, and revise it, so that it stays useful for you. As your mind gets used to going through a checklist, you might need to shake things up to challenge yourself further by revising the list or coming up with new points to challenge your thinking. After a while, you will become an idea-generating machine with enough writing ideas to keep you blogging and articles writing for months.