Online Bus

Create Your Own Newsroom

You may or may not have heard of a newsroom for a business. Traditionally, a newsroom was the place where journalists, reporters, editors, staffers and others worked together to craft the news. Today, social newsrooms work about the same except they are designed to work online instead of a physical location. A web based business has often built a media page or prepared a media packet. Now, it’s a bit more extensive. To stand out in the competition and display your entire range of assets, create your online social newsroom as your media center.

Confidence to Stop Taking and Start Doing

Are you a serial course buyer? Do you take every new fangled teleseminar sold by the latest guru so you feel you’re keeping up? Has your “work” become downloading another new ebook or course that probably just get put into a file on your desktop and forgotten? If so, you’re part of a very large group of women who want to be successful online but need to stop “taking” and start “doing.” This article tells you how to move forward.

Market Your Business with Interesting and Valuable Content

Marketing your business on the Internet is becoming more competitive than ever. That means you need to be sure your content strategy has clear and specific goals. It’s necessary to drive traffic, build awareness, boost authority and more. In order to accomplish any of those goals your content needs to be value driven and fresh. However, it can be difficult to consistently create valuable and interesting content ideas.