Leadership Mentoring

Academic Writing Frustrations


I help people write academic papers including dissertations. While it can be thrilling to see these types of masterpieces take shape, it can also be extremely frustrating. The Internet has become the new sweetheart to online writers providing just enough information and support research for web based articles and other online writing. But when it comes to writing academic articles or doing scientific based research, Internet sources are not your friend. I try to get this across to students all the time, but we live in an internet world.

Champion Communication Skills: Communicating So Everyone Listens

Do you know what you’re saying when you don’t speak? Communication isn’t just verbal. In fact, over 80% of what you communicate is nonverbal. Poor communication is one of the primary reasons why organization initiatives fail and leadership goals get derailed. You can be an effective communicator by participating in this training where you will: …

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Embracing Trends and Managing Change

Everything is changing: People change, organizations change, businesses change the world is changing. That means being aware of emerging trends and embracing them early for success. If you don’t see trends you miss making necessary changes in organizations. One powerful secret to success is to know that “as things change; change things!” Through this training, …

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