
Knowing When You Reach Success

When it comes to reaching success, it is necessary to remember that what works for one woman may not necessarily be right for the next. Success and achievement are individual accomplishments and no one should confuse you about when you have reached your levels of success. The key is to keep your eyes on the prize you select, not one that someone selects for you. That way you will correctly measure your successes and be able to move forward with confidence.

Confidence to Lead #1

Women in business need confidence in order to succeed. Having a strong level of confidence means living a healthier, better leadership life. I’ll share seven confidence building ideas for women in business and leadership over the next 7 posts – Be sure to look for all of them.

When You Have to Keep Going

Here you are, a competent leader in your field. You have it all together, at least as far as anyone can see. Your activities are in order, employees are working well, complaints are finally down. It seems you don’t have a care in the world. At least that’s what it looks like on the outside. But on the inside and in your private life, everything is not so cheery. In fact, life is getting hard but women in leadership can learn how to cope.

Enjoying a Break-Down Day

Today I’ve declared to be my Break-Down Day. Sounds terrible right? Actually, it means I’m going to take time to stop, think, feel, let go and be better in the end. So much has been going on in my life that I just need to stop and let it all sink in. My mind feels like it’s just scrambling around trying to remember everything I need to do so I get everything done. It’s gotten so I feel like I have to keep what others in my life are doing in order; which is not my responsibility to do. But leaders do that type of thing, especially women leaders who are used to doing a lot for others as well as everything she has to do. Give yourself a Break-Down Day and get it all together.