I would love to coach you to reach your goals. Those who meet their goals and excel at them have a coach. I have had several and still maintain a steady relationship with coaches for different areas of my life. I would love to be a coach for you in an area of your life.

Together we would work on your desired goal for a selected period of time. This method of coaching will be done primarily through email, with a monthly zoom meeting. The format is simple, yet highly effective.
It means you won’t need to worry about missing a scheduled appointment, which can be so frustrating especially when you already have multiple obligations or other areas of stress. Instead, we can communicate by email each weekday as needed. This also serves as an accountability method to help you stay focused on your goals.
I have vast professional experiences and expertise as well as certifications in coaching and consulting, including Certified Creativity Coach, Certified Executive/Leadership Coach, Certified Facilitator with Amherst Writers and Artists, Certified Business Coach, Certified Mediator. Therefore, I can provide several coaching opportunities.
“I met with Consuelo Meux for my consultation and came away immediately with a refined message and checklist of things I needed to accomplish in the next week or so to write my book. She has a great feel for what people relate to and has many skills to take your business to the next level.”
Melinda T., CFP, ChFC (Book/Creativity Writing Coaching)
Coaching topics can be in the following, or other areas:
- Create your signature system/product
- Online business building
- Online writing techniques (SEO, article writing, blogging, ebooks, etc.)
- Creativity coaching for artists and writers
- Nonprofit management/leadership support
- Other topics can be discussed.
“Consuelo is such a delight to work with. As she untangled my coaching process into a step-by-step fun sounding course (system), she shared her excitement and inspiration by the new creation. She really made the experience fun, and it took such a short time to complete. I love that she is direct, focused, and organized in her thinking.”
Boni Oian, Author, Instructor, Akashic Record Consultant (Signature System Coaching)
For More Information go HERE
How the coaching works:
After you register, I will send you a set of questions to answer along with any additional comments, concerns, you may have to answer by email. Your answers to those the questions and other statements will help me understand where you’re at right now. Then we set up an initial chat for 45 minutes via Zoom or phone.
“I have over 30 years of business experience including the writing of a few business plans. I must applaud the layout for your Business Plan Template. It is precise without being verbose, easy to read and understand, and directed to all levels of the business journey. Thank you again for your work and for sharing them!”
Sandy Morgan, Entrepreneur (Business Coaching)
Packages and Cost for Coaching:
Join me for a focused, results-oriented coaching experience. You can work on any of your goals: building your business, writing goals, managing your nonprofit, writing your nonfiction book, blog writing, developing your coaching/consulting practice, etc. We’ll get your goals set at the beginning of our time together and monitor them throughout the year.
If you want to try out the coaching first, purchase a single one-time trial session. Then, if you’d like to continue, purchase a package for more sessions. Or purchase a monthly or four-month package right now and save.
“I agreed to participate on a whim – and kinda surprised myself. But then found myself engaged in the process easily. What I appreciated about our interactions was your understanding of my PhD journey without me having to explain – your lived experiences with the process – you truly know that this is often a lonely journey and your feedback within this framework was normalizing, inspiring and comforting. Also helpful was putting down my thoughts and feelings in a reflective way and your frame on this – as you did with your comments about my unrecognized talents.”
Barb Haag-Heitman, RN, MA, MS, (Creativity Coaching)
Single or Package Pricing
One time trial session – $175: Purchase Now
One month coaching – $300 (save $50 from single session : Purchase Now
Four months coaching – $1000 (save $200): Purchase Now
At the end of your selected session, you can decide if you’d like to continue working together on your project and goals through more coaching.
If you prefer to pay by check or other method or have any questions or need to discuss another focus for your coaching, please contact Dr. Consuelo at Consuelo@ConsueloMeux.com