Weight Loss

Move Your Butt – Bust that Gut

If you haven’t been exercising like you should today is a great day to get started. How about getting up every 60 minutes to do some stretching, or take a 10 minute walk around the block. You don’t have to sign up for a marathon yet, just stop making excuses and get yourself moving.

Jump-Start Your Metabolism at Work

Recent research in this area of sitting too long without movement is starting to show that exercising after sitting all day doesn’t have the positive effects you want. The metabolism might be so negatively affected that it isn’t burning fat at all. This can have serious consequences for your health and longevity. The thing to do is to get moving right away.

Season of Detox – Day 18

This was another difficult day for my detox experience. We are attending a special church service here in San Francisco so we’re dealing with long hours being in church services, short breaks and more long hours in services. Breakfast was another smoothie and the raw almonds and raisins (yes I need to change up on that a bit). The first service didn’t get out until after 1:00. By then I was really hungry.

The Belly Fat Issue

Have you tried to get rid of fat about the belly? I know, don’t moan. Millions of us (seasoned women that is) have to be very careful about gaining too much fat in this area. Yet, being menopausal seems to bring on the problem more than ever. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prevent the problem or that you have to keep belly fat if you already have it.