Jump-Start Your Metabolism at Work

I have recently been studying more about the dangers of sitting too long without doing exercise – something that affects the majority of workers in America.  If you have problems jump-starting your metabolism I will be sharing information about this with you very soon.  You’ll know if this includes you if

  • You’ve been gaining weight, particularly around the mid-section that is very difficult to lose
  • You find that weight is piling on and doesn’t want to leave no matter what you do
  • You try to exercise in the evenings after work but nothing seems to be happening
  • You’re even eating less, trying to bring in my vegetables and fruits and less saturated meat products but still not losing weight.

It can be discouraging to keep trying different diets and even working up a sweat on the treadmill but seeing little to now results.  When you find out that your work doesn’t have to be in vain you’ll feel better inside, the thing is getting you to be healthier inside too.  First of all it’s important to know that if you have been sitting for long hours each day such as up to 8 hours (common if you work at a desk all day) and haven’t exercised during the day, your metabolism might be on the blink.

Recent research in this area of sitting too long without movement is starting to show that exercising after sitting all day doesn’t have the positive effects you want.   The metabolism might be so negatively affected that it isn’t burning fat at all.  This can have serious consequences for your health and longevity.  The thing to do is to get moving right away.

During the day, time yourself.  Get up and move every 30 minutes.  That can be as simply as walking to one place to the next.   If you’re in an office you might not be able to get up and leave your desk that often so here’s some ideas.

  • Stand up by your chair and stretch
  • Stand up and sit down ten times
  • Do a series of 5 to 10 deep knew bends
  • Learn desk exercises and do them without getting up including pumping your legs to your chest 5 to 20 times.

Start there.  Of course, during your real breaks, be sure to get up and walk around. Don’t stay at your desk – move.  This will help to start getting your metabolism to wake up.


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